Project management principles of BAAR Consulting
Any project means an unique and widespread task, characterized by
Project management describes a leading instrument for target-focussed and efficient project performance. Its methods and tools ensure target-orientated and on-time project termination. By realizing extensive projects and regarding stronger competition and increasing price pressure a professional and straight project management is essential. BAAR Consulting regards project management as an integrated system of project leadership, project supervision and project controlling. Quality and partnership with the customer are regarded as a guideline by BAAR Consulting, they are self-evident for all staff members - quality obligates. BAAR Consulting especially takes care of a seamless integration into client´s management conception. Project supervision supports clients and chief project managers during all operational project phases. Operational acting project controlling ensures systematic application of project managing instruments and provides for on-time allocation of control informations for executives and authorized persons. It causes transparency of costs and output.